Thursday, August 2, 2007

Turned On To My MP3 Player

Just as I didn't think I'd ever create a blog, I wouldn't have purchased an MP3 player. BUT yesterday I took my new toy home, updated the software, and am ready to download some tunes. I'm already looking forward to working in the garden and listening to my favorite songs. Speaking of gardening, it's amazing how something as rote as deadheading flowers can create such a feeling of peacefulness. I love staying in my backyard until lightning bugs provide the only remaining natural light. Not to break the mood, but has anyone taken advantage of the 100 free songs from etunes?

1 comment:

rosierivets said...

I've downloaded about 30 so far from etunes. My favorite new thing to do during my break is to toggle back and forth between playlists on WTMD and etunes.